This old, old chair belonged to a young boy called Tom. Tom's parents had just passed away, and he was going through some pretty bad times.
Tom dreamt of living in a huge mansion where he would eat out of cups and plates made of stainless steel. But the young farmer could barely afford a car for himself! So everyday, he worked extremely hard. He got up at six in the morning to farm, and went to bed at midnight everyday.
Years passed.
There were days when the weather was good, and the crops flourished. These were the days where he would bring the old wooden chair to the porch at night, and sit on it as he hummed to old folksongs his mum had sung to him when he was a baby.
There were times, however, when dryspells struck and tornadoes came like a thief in the night. On days like these, Tom hid indoors and frowned in his sleep; the rocking chair would then try its best to console its master by rocking a little harder.
"I promise you a new rug, and better floorboards so that your bases don't scratch easily," He would say apologetically to his mahogany chair.
Silently, the chair did not mind scratching itself on the hard cold floor if it could help Tom even by the slightest bit. All it wanted to see was a tiny smile on its master's face - that was enough to put the chair to contentment.
Finally, the day came when Tom could afford his first leather armchair.

It was a smart-looking thing, with massage functions and an internal heating system. How Tom loved the new hi-tech sofa. The old rocking chair, too, was happy for Tom and his first step to achieving his dream home.
More furniture came. There were lava lamps, flat screen televisions, and a brand new sofa set.
And one early summer morning, Tom moved the old rocking chair to the basement storage, where all the items never saw daylight again.
Everyday, the old rocking chair waited...waited....waited and waited.
But Tom never once moved it out of its new resting place. Once in a while, he came down to store other unwanted things, but the old rocking chair never got a second glance from its master ever again. It was forgotten, pushed aside, undesired, and a bane.
1 comment:
We loved the hi-tech leather chair. Can you please specify the brand and the model?
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